Highlights of Past Events
Upcoming/future Events.
owel monthly meeting 5th february 2025.
webinar: the impact of the Executive orders on the hiv community.
Click here for link to registration link.
Black women & girls Health equity summit
iSEE: A study by black women for black women
Commit to engaging in 19 days of wellness for juneteenth
Click image for more information.
black women learning institute:
hiv and menopause: The intersectionality of multiple life changes
Click HERE for webinar and use passcode found on 2nd image to log in.
19th annual graying of hiv symposium
eliterature: ART, HRT, Pregnancy, and Menopause in Women Living with HIV
nih resources: nih fact sheet on women’s health Research Highlights key women’s health issues.
Click HERE to lean more.
national black women’s labor day
Owel’s 9th Annual National Womens and Girls HIV/AIDS Awareness Day Symposium 8th March 2024.
Joins Us!
Research Study: Were you born a black woman? Your Voice Matters
World aids day
legends and young’uns
19th Annual Legends & Young'uns Conference
Legends and young’uns
Held on the November 6th 2024.
Hiv and women study on depression
Anti-racist clinical care: improving health outcome for bLack women.
YouTh thEater & Value baltimore present: life during coVid-19 a youth persPective
Positive woMen’s newsletter- july 2022
The newsletter features our very own Melanie Reese as Shero of the month.
Older adults Research study
Sister circlE virtual webcast
Click link below to be directed to the webcast: https://www.gileadhivcommunity.com/sisterscircle1
event: Bringing hiv back to the forefront.
Study: the effects of glUcocorticoids on cognitioN in hiv-infected women
Shaping equity
Shaping Health Equity is currently conducting a women's sexual health survey needs assessment for women between the ages of 13 and 100 in Baltimore City and County. The survey is intended to inform program development and assess community's needs in health education, health access, and experiences.
National honor our lgbt elders day
uNIVERSITY Of maryland medical system
Covid-19 VACCINES APPOINTMENTS at mondAwmin Mall
Women’s health research study
United way
Celebrate and Honor Black Women in the HIV Movement Day on August 18, 2024.
Please click here to join
INternational black women’s congress Conference.
September 28th and 29th
Use link below to register:
16th annual testing for turkeys
21 November 2024